
Product Classification: Room thermostat and HVAC valve thermostat-Thermostats and power components for HVAC valves (valve core)


Thermostats for HVAC valves

Technical parameter:
1、Within the temperature range of 5~30℃, the displacement of the valve body push rod is 5±0.15mm;
2、Transportation and storage temperature :-20℃-50;
3、Life: 100,000 times;
4、Connection threads :G1/2,G3/4,G1.


Power components for HVAC valves (valve core)

Technical parameter:
1、Within the temperature range of 5~30℃, the displacement of bellows in the power parts is 5±0.15mm;
2、Maximum allowable ambient temperature 50 ° C;
3、Service life ≥100000 times.

即墨市| 岳西县| 昆明市| 徐水县| 石门县| 镇雄县| 襄汾县| 金乡县| 邳州市| 金坛市| 策勒县| 白沙| 广平县| 吉木萨尔县| 休宁县| 左权县| 泸定县| 伊川县| 安西县| 廊坊市| 射阳县| 永康市| 赤壁市| 茌平县| 盈江县| 阜南县| 兴隆县| 二连浩特市| 玉屏| 宝应县| 雷州市| 溆浦县| 临猗县| 滕州市| 黄浦区| 应用必备| 福海县| 大化| 桑日县| 马龙县| 鄂尔多斯市|